Thursday 20 February 2014

Sing along songs.

Everyone sings along to their favourite songs when we hear them. Be it a slight hum in the car to the radio, a full out rendition in the shower or pretending you are performing to masses in your living room when really its just to your cat. You do not have to be the best singer ever to sing. It is a bit like therapy and can make you feel happy on the dullest of days.

Recently I volunteered to take part in " Songbooth" a project created by Greg Sinclair one of the artists in residence at the Citizens Theatre where I work. 

You chose your own song to sing. I could have had some personal meaning. I chose to sing "Walking in Memphis" by Cher. Originally by Marc Cohn. It's a song that I remember a lot form my childhood. My Mum was a big Cher fan and when her "It's a man's world" album was released we owned it on CD. I vaguely remembered the original in that I knew the song had previously sung by a male. So I chose that song as it reminded me of the fun times I had bopping around the house with my wee mum. 

It got me thinking of the vast amount of songs that I love to sing along to. Songs that I have sang in the past either in a performance or just on Karaoke. It was not an easy decision but I felt that I could do the song justice without sounding like a drowned cat. I have sang many ballads and musical songs and I easily, without thinking could have sang "Part of your world" from The little mermaid as I sang it most nights to my son when he was a toddler.

I enjoyed the experience and I have only watched a little of it back. Seen as I would probably be my own worst critic. 

So what song would you sing? What songs can you "pull out your back pocket" and give a rendition of. Even if it is just for yourself or your cat. 

"Sing as though no one can hear you" 

Artist in residence exhibition details are below. 

Exhibition Info.

Song for this blog: Walking in Memphis - Cher